
About Us

The Systems Platform Research Group was established by Prof. Jian Huang at UIUC in 2018. Our group consists of students from both CS and ECE departments. We enjoy building both hardware and software systems, with a focus on the software/hardware co-design. Our research interests lie in the areas of computer systems and architecture, including memory and storage systems, AI platform and infrastructure, distributed systems, systems security, and especially the intersections of them.

Our research contributions have been published at top-tier systems, architecture, and security conferences, such as ISCA, OSDI, SOSP, ASPLOS, MICRO, PLDI, FAST, and CCS. Some of them are being transferred into products, and have been featured by CACM, the Register, PCWorld, ZDNet, and many other media agencies.

Our research is partially sponsored by NSF, DoE, Army Research, IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute, Western Digital, Google, Intel, NetApp, and IBM.


Active Research Projects

Learning-Based Storage Systems

Develop systems and architecture techniques to build a learning-based storage ecosystem.

Network/Storage Co-design

Bridge the gaps between network and storage to achieve improved end-to-end systems performance and resource efficiency.

Storage-Class Memory

Break the memory wall with new and emerging memory and storage technologies, such as flash memory and non-volatile memory.

Software-Defined and Intelligent Cloud Infrastructure

Develop next-generation intelligent cloud infrastructure for facilitating the development and deployment of AI-driven applications.

Accelerator-Centric Storage

Build memory/storage systems and architecture for hardware accelerators and AI systems.

Secure Storage Systems

Rethink the design and implementation of the entire storage stack with a cross-layer approach for enhanced data security.

Join Us

We usually have a few Ph.D. openings every year. We welcome master and undergraduate students to join us, and encourage them to drive projects in our group. We also have research internship openings for undergraduate students every summer. Interested in joining us? Please contact Prof. Jian Huang with your CV and research interests.


Recent Research Highlights


A Learning-Based Flash Translation Layer for Modern SSDs


Enabling Learning-Based Storage Harvesting in Cloud Platforms


A TEE for In-Storage Computing


Identify Crash-Consistency Bugs in HPC Storage Stack


Managed runtimes for NVM


Accelerate Distributed RL with In-Switch Computing


Systems and Architecture Support for Byte-Addressable SSDs


Secure Storage Systems


Reduce Memory Persistency Overheads with Architectural Support


Recent Publications

  • Learning to Drive Software-Defined Solid-State Drives

    Daixuan Li, Jinghan Sun, Jian Huang. MICRO 2023.
  • G10: Enabling An Efficient Unified GPU Memory and Storage Architecture with Smart Tensor Migrations

    Haoyang Zhang, Yirui Eric Zhou, Yuqi Xue, Yiqi Liu, Jian Huang. MICRO 2023.
  • RackBlox: A Software-Defined Rack-Scale Storage System with Network-Storage Co-Design

    Benjamin Reidys, Yuqi Xue, Daixuan Li, Bharat Sukhwani, Wen-mei Hwu, Deming Chen, Sameh Asaad, Jian Huang. SOSP 2023.
  • System Virtualization for Neural Processing Units

    Yuqi Xue, Yiqi Liu, Jian Huang. HotOS 2023.
  • The Security War in File Systems: An Empirical Study from A Vulnerability-Centric Perspective

    Jinghan Sun, Shaobo Li, Jun Xu, Jian Huang. TOS 2023.
  • V10: Hardware-Assisted NPU Multi-tenancy for Improved Resource Utilization and Fairness

    Yuqi Xue, Yiqi Liu, Lifeng Nai, Jian Huang. ISCA 2023.
  • LeaFTL: A Learning-Based Flash Translation Layer for Solid-State Drives

    Jinghan Sun, Shaobo Li, Yunxin Sun, Chao Sun, Dejan Vucinic, Jian Huang. ASPLOS 2023.
  • Learning to Drive Software-Defined Storage

    Jian Huang, Daixuan Li, Jinghan Sun. MLSys@NIPS'22.
  • BlockFlex: Enabling Storage Harvesting with Software-Defined Flash in Modern Cloud Platforms

    Benjamin Reidys*, Jinghan Sun*, Anirudh Badam, Shadi Noghabi, Jian Huang. OSDI 2022.
    *Co-primary authors.
  • RSSD: Defend Against Ransomware with Hardware-Isolated Network-Storage Codesign and Post-Attack Analysis

    Benjamin Reidys, Peng Liu, Jian Huang. ASPLOS 2022.
  • Understanding and Detecting Deep Memory Persistency Bugs in NVM Programs with DeepMC

    Benjamin Reidys, Jian Huang. PPoPP 2022.
  • IceClave: A Trusted Execution Environment for In-Storage Computing

    Luyi Kang*, Yuqi Xue*, Weiwei Jia*, Xiaohao Wang, Jongryool Kim, Changhwan Youn, Myeong Joon Kang, Jin Lim, Bruce Jacob, Jian Huang. MICRO 2021.
    *Co-primary authors.
  • Distributed Data Persistency

    Apostolos Kokolis, Antonis Psistakis, Benjamin Reidys, Jian Huang, Josep Torrellas. MICRO 2021.
  • Pinpointing Crash-Consistency Bugs in the HPC I/O Stack: A Cross-Layer Approach

    Jinghan Sun, Jian Huang, and Marc Snir. SC 2021.
  • UniHeap: Managing Persistent Objects Across Managed Runtimes for Non-Volatile Memory

    Daixuan Li, Benjamin Reidys, Jinghan Sun, Thomas Shull, Josep Torrellas, Jian Huang. SYSTOR 2021.
  • Hoop: Efficient Hardware-Assisted Out-of-Place Update for Non-Volatile Memory

    Miao Cai, Chance C. Coats, Jian Huang. ISCA 2020.
See all publications


Group Members

Jian Huang

Assistant Professor jianh@illinois.edu

Noelle Crawford

PhD Student noellec3@illinois.edu

Ziqi Yuan

PhD Student ziqiy6@illinois.edu

Yikang Yue

PhD Student yikangy2@illinois.edu

Michael Wang

MS/PhD Student mjwang6@illinois.edu

Eric Zhou

MS/PhD Student

Yuan Xu

MS Student yuanxu4@illinois.edu